Diving Services

Life Research KOIN.S.EP in collaboration with the diving center Diving Pelion offers a variety of excursions and diving programs for all levels of divers, from beginners to experienced divers. Below you will see courses and programs of the School.
Aim: Bubblemaker dives are designed to be an initiation into the exciting world of scuba diving and the underwater environment for our young friends. Requirements / Restrictions: This program is suitable for children of 8-10 years old with the signed consent of a parent or guardian. Content of Program: The Bubblemaker experience is a great way to present diving as a fun and adventurous activity. Under strict supervision by an experienced and fully certified diving instructor, participants dive to a maximum of 2 metres to open their eyes to a whole new world. Duration: 1.5 hours.
Aim: This discovery program covers basic theory and training to anyone who wants to be introduced to the adventures of scuba diving in a short time. No certification is given. Requirements / Restrictions: The participants must be at least 10 years old with written approval by a parent or guardian or at least 18 years old without such approval. Content of Program: The Discovery program serves as an excellent way to learn some of the basic theoretical knowledge behind SCUBA diving and combine it with the practical experience of an actual dive. All the stages are taught and supervised by an experienced and fully certified diving instructor. The dive itself is at anything between 5-10 metres and the program offers a pleasant and fun way which often inspires those who participate to go on to undertake a certified course. Duration: 2.5 hours
Diving Courses GET CERTIFIED
Aim: The Open Water Diver program offers complete training to whoever wishes to become a certified SCUBA diver. It gives emphasis to the skills and the knowledge which are necessary for safe recreational diving. It also lends itself to the development of the self-confidence and places emphasis on the joys of underwater exploration. Requirements / Restrictions: For people at least 15 years old with written approval by a parent or guardian or at least 10 years old for Junior Diver certification. Participants over 18 years old do not require written approval. Content of Program: It is the first course for those who wish to safely dive to depths up to 18 metres. Open Water Diver certification requires the successful completion of both theory and practical (underwater) components of the program. Everything is taught in a friendly way conducive to learning and the attainment of diving skills. All the stages are taught and supervised by experienced and fully certified diving instructors. The theory classes include: The equipment of the SCUBA diving, the physics of scuba diving, the physiology of the SCUBA diving, learning about the Sea Environment and diving plans. Duration: 2-3 days.
Aim: The Advanced program allows certified Open Water Divers to hone their abilities in the water and gain a more rounded experience in SCUBA diving. Requirements / Restrictions: To participate to this program someone must have certification as an Open Water Diver from any internationally recognized organization and must be at least 12 years old with written approval by a parent or guardian, or at least 18 years old without such written approval. Content of Program: This course consists of 4 dives that introduce the student to more specialized diving forms (deep water diving, night diving, underwater orientation, search and recovery, wreck diving and so on) while improving general competency and confidence. After completion of the course, the student is certified for diving to a depth of 30 metres. Duration of Program: 2-3 days
Aim: To teach anyone, regardless of being a diver or not, how to handle accidents and other injuries that may occur in various circumstances. Requirements / Restrictions: There are no special requirements for this program. Content of Program: It is an excellent course for people who wish to be able to help others by offering first aid in an emergency situation. This course is not diver-specific, entirely takes place in the classroom and is taught by a certified instructor. Duration of Program: 1 day.
Aim: The purpose of this program is to full develop the skills required of both a self or buddy rescue. Requirements / Restrictions: To participate in this program someone must; (1) be an Advanced Open Water Diver or Adventure Diver with completed the Underwater Navigation specialty dive, (2) be certified in Emergency First Response of any internationally recognized organization. Content of Program: This course consists of theory classes and 5 practical sessions (scenarios) that include; (a) skills of a lost scuba diver, (b) buddy help skills, (c) rescue of scuba diver skills, and (d) self rescue skills. A certified Rescue Diver is considered capable of coping successfully with possible unpleasant situations than may occur to him/her or his/her diving team. Moreover, this knowledge can be very useful in various non-diving specific but sea or swimming related incidents that may occur. DThe Divemaster program offers full training to those wishing to supervise recreation scuba divers and to lead recreational diving programs. Requirements / Restrictions: If someone wants to participate in this program, he/she must be certified as Rescue Diver, to have a written proof of at least 40 registered dives and to be at least 18 years old. Content of Program: It is the crown of the amateur recreation diving programs and the entrance to a career as a professional SCUBA Diver Trainer. This program includes a minimum of 100 mins depth time. Both the theoretical and practical components of the course are taught and supervised by an experienced and fully certified diving instructor. The students must be capable of demonstrating all the practice exercises of the Open Water Diver program in a way that shows the highest level of virtuosity and proficiency. Duration of Program: 15 days